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GDC Method of Chronic Pain Management

With the GDC Chronic Pain Management method you have the opportunity to get in touch with your subconscious mind and alleviate or even get rid of pains judged to be chronic.

The process can take less than 3 hours and many patients report immediate relief from pain and discomfort caused by chronic conditions such as Fibromyalgia.When chronic pain is not completely eliminated, there is a physical component. In this case, the method helps to greatly reduce its intensity, modulate these symptoms, providing a great improvement in quality of life.

During the process you will be able to create your own mental trigger to support calm and anesthesia (Mental triggers are actions that we do automatically: We can associate a handmade symbol, for example, with a calm and tranquil state or associate a word to a feeling of anesthesia).


You will also learn self-hypnosis & mindfullness, tools used in mental optimization and pain management, allowing the treatment to be fast and the patient to have the self-healing tools to use when needed and long after the treatment is finished.

Using Powerful Regression Techniques and Forgiveness Practicesit is possible to promote change in clients, even in very "paralyzed" cases who have been in prolonged therapy for years; In studies, forgiveness has been associated with improved physical symptoms, fewer medications used, better sleep quality, less fatigue, and fewer somatic complaints.


During the process, new emotional and behavioral responses to past traumas are created.​​ and harrowing events.


As the subconscious controls all circulatory, muscular, chemical and hormonal actions, the method can also direct the production of chondrocytes, which increase the growth of healthy new cartilage. The more protection in the joints, the more comfort and mobility are created.

Who is it nominated for?

The treatment is recommended for people who live with pain and chronic illnesses, especially against somatization problems, when an illness manifests itself or worsens because of some emotional disturbance.

Guidance consultation


During the orientation consultation we will fill in the history and talk about your problem. In this time-free consultation, you and the hypnotherapist will decide if you fit the profile for going ahead with the treatment.


You will learn about how the mind works, about hypnosis and its myths.

This consultation is the kick-off for the GDC process, the process does not happen until you first learn, understand and experience hypnosis.


GDC Process

Self-knowledge, hypnotic regression and resignified traumas.



Results, Self-hypnosis, mental optimization and total problem management.

Chronic Pain & Hypnotherapy

Many people with chronic pain have widespread and frequent hyperalgesia (increased sensation of pain). These symptoms occur due to a phenomenon known as central sensitization. This central sensitization is a consequence of a prolonged pain state that stimulates the production of nociceptive neurotransmitters and inhibits the production of endogenous opioids as well as inhibitory neurotransmitters. Causes harmful changes in pain perception.


Hypnotherapy is the application of hypnosis techniques as a therapeutic tool, this therapy is the basis on which the GDC method is largely based. It is used as an aid in the treatment of emotional, physical and psychological disorders. With hypnotherapy, it is possible to determine the events that caused or caused these pains to persist. These facts stored in the subconscious led to an imbalance in the production of transmitters as a form of protection, inducing symptoms. When accessing the subconscious, information is reprogrammed and, from then on, decentralization takes place, reestablishing the production of endogenous neurotransmitters and opioids. This change can happen immediately or gradually.


Many patients with chronic pain have generalized and frequent hyperalgesia (increased sensation of pain). These symptoms occur due to a phenomenon known as central sensitization. This central sensitization is a consequence of a prolonged pain state that stimulates the production of nociceptive neurotransmitters and inhibits the production of endogenous opioids as well as inhibitory neurotransmitters. Causes harmful changes in pain perception.  

The examples below are images captured by medical thermography, immediately before and immediately after the hypnotherapy session.  

This example shows the evolution of trigeminal neuralgia, considered the third worst pain that human beings are capable of feeling, with a three-year evolution under partial control with the use of medications. Note the disappearance of the red spot on the left side of the face, as well as the thermal balance of the face.

This example is pain caused by nerve compression from a herniated lumbar disc. Note the thermal balance in the second image. Similar to the first example, the images were taken immediately before and after the session. 

Get off autopilot, your pain can be helped!

Schedule a free consultation.


Face-to-face treatment

Rua Benjamin Constant, 128 - Center, Brodowski - São Paulo, Brazil


Online treatment

Via Zoom or Google Meet for the whole world

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