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Chronic pain

There are many causes of long-term pain, including conditions like arthritis and fibromyalgia. Concerns like this require medical intervention and a pain management plan. For many, complementary approaches such as hypnotherapy are part of that plan.

Here, we'll look at chronic pain management and, in particular, how hypnosis for pain relief can help.

What is chronic pain?

There are two different types of pain - acute and chronic pain. Acute pain (also called short-term pain) is usually the result of an accident or temporary illness. In that case, your doctor will make a diagnosis and suggest ways to manage the pain (eg pain relievers).

Chronic or long-term pain is often more complicated. The pain may be the result of a medical condition or there may be no obvious cause. This doesn't mean the pain isn't real, it just makes the treatment much more complex.

Some diseases and conditions are well known to cause pain, for example:

Arthritis is a condition that causes inflammation and hardening of the joints. Depending on the severity, the pain can be mild or severe, making everyday life difficult.


Most people who develop cancer experience pain at some point. This could be due to the tumors themselves or the cancer treatment. Again, the degree of pain will depend on individual circumstances.

Headaches and Migraines

Headaches that cause sudden, sharp pain in the head and can last anywhere from 15 minutes to three hours. They tend to appear in groups, leaving the person in a lot of pain.

Migraine is a particularly painful form of headache that can cause vomiting and sensitivity to light and sound.

Complex regional pain syndrome

This condition usually develops after an injury has been sustained. Post-injury pain is ongoing and tends to be disproportionate to the original injury.


This gynecological condition occurs when cells like those found in the uterus are found elsewhere in the body. For some, the condition is painless. Most, however, experience pelvic pain, severe pain during their period, and pain during/after sex.


The cause of fibromyalgia is largely unknown. Its symptoms include widespread pain with stiff muscles.

Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

MS is a condition that affects the brain, nerves and spinal cord. About half of people with MS will experience pain. Damaged nerve fibers cause a burning/stabbing sensation.

Sciatica and back pain

Sciatica occurs when the sciatic nerve is irritated in the back (which usually happens after a slipped disc). This causes pain in the patients' legs. Other forms of back pain can be caused by previous injuries or overuse of the muscles.

Managing the pain

If you regularly experience pain, it is important to consider how to manage your pain. As tempting as it is to lie in bed and not move, in most cases it only makes matters worse. Inactivity can make your body stiff and over time you lose strength. This can affect your sleep and mood.

Gentle exercises can actually work as a natural form of pain relief. Be sure to check with your doctor to find out which exercises you can safely do. Look for something that doesn't put too much strain on your body, like:

  • hiking

  • yoga

  • Swimming

Sometimes just getting up and being active is enough. Listen to your body and don't push yourself too hard.

Many people with chronic conditions require some form of physical therapy. This will be performed by medical professionals as part of your treatment plan. Physical therapy usually involves stretching, manipulation, and other pain-relieving exercises.

Medications and pain relievers can also be part of your chronic pain treatment plan. Your doctor should always advise this. Pain relievers can be effective, however it is important to use them safely as they can have side effects.

Another important aspect of pain management involves looking at the link between body and mind.

Hypnosis for pain relief

Therapies that address the mind-body link are often recommended for those dealing with long-term pain. Stress and anxiety are common side effects of pain and can even make the feeling worse. The way the mind responds to pain is also linked to the perception of physical sensations.

Helping to reduce stress and alter pain-related thought patterns can therefore make a huge difference in pain perception. For this, many opt for hypnotherapy.

When you are under hypnosis, you focus on relaxation and letting go of disturbing thoughts. This temporarily fine-tunes the conscious part of your mind, opening you up to the power of suggestion. At this point, your hypnotherapist may make suggestions to encourage pain relief. Most hypnotherapists will also give post-hypnotic suggestions, allowing you to perform self-hypnosis after the sessions are over.

Rather than convincing you that your pain doesn't exist, pain hypnosis is aimed at controlling any fears and anxiety you may have about your pain. It also helps to reduce stress and relax the nervous system, helping it to become less reactive to pain.

During a GMO hypnotherapy session, the root cause of the pain is identified and the event/trauma re-signified, which can cause immediate and permanent pain relief.

The number of sessions needed will depend on individual circumstances; however, pain hypnosis usually lasts between four and 10 sessions. Here at GMO Hypnotherapy we offer audios (not included in the session price) for you to use at home, so you can continue to employ hypnosis techniques.

Hypnotherapy is a natural therapy with no side effects and is an effective tool to use as part of your chronic pain management plan.

If you suffer from chronic pain, schedule your appointment with us here.

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